Monday, April 27, 2015

Message from our Continuum of Care Board Chair

I have had the great privilege to serve as the Chair of the IN BOS COC Board for the last sixteen months. We have spent time getting to know each other and trying to wrap our minds around the enormous task of ending homelessness across the state. 

I want to thank the members of the board whose term ended earlier this year: Craig Beckley, Kimron Reising and Doug Fletcher. Thank you for your investment during the first year of the board. We also welcome Pam Isaac and Carrie Kruse as Regional Chair Representatives, and Tony Gillispie and Heather McCarthy as at-large members. 

We also have a great Vista Volunteer – Caitlin Evans who is creating and implementing our communication plan. Caitlin has been a great addition to the team. Let her know if you have some news to share with the COC.  

We have a busy year ahead - getting ready for the 2015 competition, holding our first Development Day, launching the website, and finalizing and initiating our strategic plan. Stay tuned.

-Luzada Hayes

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